Seas That I See!


I stood on the Shores of the east coast of Bay of Bengal.

Listening to the Artistic dance of the waves crashing.

The songs of the winds dancing over the sands.

The blue waters churn into a galaxy of milky white. 


The indentations of history the shores dearly held.

Are literally a memory in the sands of time everlasting.

The dunes carved by the flow of winds and men.

As the shells and crabs adored the dunes aplenty


The sun provided the much-needed warmth to comfort.

The winter clouds canopied above the horizon.

The blue waters painted the skies in their own image.

The surface below and above teaming with life.


The ocean has always been a place of reassure for me.

A sense of warm hug at the times of uncertainty.

The breeze friend that I can always count on till I die.

A picturesque representation of a mind, my mind.


Empty above, but teaming with life within, in the dark.

Vast and lonely away from the maiden of the land

Hidden deep within a sense of longing and sorrow.

It is the seas that I see, where I see me, only me.


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