The Eternal Beginning!


The words of Nietzsche and Cioran echoed in the silence

The Silent Night sky screaming with fear and darkness

The steady sunlight was still a long time away and uninvited  

As we stood in the periphery of life, the existential curse


There is no meaning to life in the age of the living

There is more meaning to life once we are deceased

The human tendency forgets the before and the after

For there is the eternal beginning once we are deadened


For a layman it might be the end, but the gods say nay

The point of redundancy of the burden that we carry

Because here I am ardently seeking the eternal beginning

Where there is no emotion and the materialistic fiction


I see the light when I close my eyes and the darkness flipside

I smell the blooming flowers and citrus when I stop breathing

And the smell of rotten flesh engulfs my lungs when I breathe

This is the irony of life and the truth that we most despise    


The end is my beginning, and the beginning was destined to end

The world beyond the horizon of birth and death I seek

The world beyond the shackles of knowledge and truth

The eternal beginning beyond meaning.


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